Monday, September 20, 2010

photoshop toolbar


1. Marquees(4): Produces a selection border in rectangles and ellipses.
2. Lassos(3): Let's you drag a selection or layer to a new location in the image and others.
3. Crop: cuts of the image in location of your choosing according to the focal point.
4. Healing/Patch/Red Eye: corrects imperfections, repair one area with pixels from another part of the picture, corrects red eye.
5. Clone/Pattern Stamp: Paint with a sample of pixels you take from one image or layer.
6. Erasers(3): Deletes pixels.
7. Blur/Sharpen/Smudge: Softens hard edges or areas and reduces detail.
8. Pen/Anchor Points(5): Helps create straight lines and smooth flowing curves.
9. Path/Direct Selection: create a path component for selection, selects a path segment and use anchor points to create a marquee.
10.Notes/Audio Annotations: adds notes and audio annotations anywhere on the image.
11. Hand: navigates through an image that is too large for you to see in the document window.
12. Set Background/ Default Foreground/Background: change the color of a fore or background.
13. Move: drags an image selection to another part of the image.
14. Quick Selection/ Magic Wand: Quickly paint a selection using an adjustable brush tip.
15. Slice/Slice Select: divide a large image into small connected pieces of rectangle image useful for creating a web site.
16. Brush/Pencil: paints a line of thickness, color, and smoothness of your choice.
17. History/ Art History Brush Tool: allows you to paint from specified history state or snapshot as the source data. 18. Gradient/Paint Bucket: Fill solid or blended color to an area of the image, fills adjacent pixels similar in color value to the ones you picked.
19. Dodge/ Burn/ Sponge: Lighten darker areas, subtly changes color saturation.
20. Horizontal/ Vertical Type: creates horizontal or vertical type anywhere in the image.
21. Rectangle/ Shapes: allows you to draw geometric and predefined shapes of your choosing anywhere on the image.
22. Eyedropper/ Ruler/ Count: sample color for a new background, calculates the distance between two points on the working plane, counts objects in the image.
23. Zoom: magnifies or reduces your view.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Digital Interactive Media

So far I have learned how to use Power Point effectively....which is something I have never been able to do. In a way I learned alot about how the Human mind subconsciously acts and based on this knowledge I have learned how to create an effective and professional presentation.